Julianne Bride

Vice President, Client Success

Julianne is a market and digital health expert with more than 30 years of experience working with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts, including senior leadership roles in product innovation and development, corporate strategy, and operations. While at BCBS, Julianne built a portfolio of digital health solutions, developing a deep understanding of precisely what is needed to ensure programs deliver outstanding ROI for clients and improved health outcomes for members.

Julianne steered the development, execution, and measurement of numerous digital health initiatives at Blue Cross, leveraging data and trends to deliver exceptional quality, clinical efficacy, and operational efficiency. At CareHive, she advises all parts of the organization on building and deploying a successful solution.

Julianne holds an MBA from the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University.  She played club rugby at Bryant University, where she earned her undergraduate degree. Julianne is married with three teenage children and a 55-pound lap dog, Peep.